Home > Travels > Baikal
So, when we got tired from the open shining surface of the lake, we deside to go somewhere else. We rested a bit in small town, bought some food and in the evening we start going up.
We had to cross this river about 15 times on the way. Mostly there were briges, sometimes even with hand-railes made from wire.
clouds in forest
..Cloud silently coming from behind and touch u with cooling breath. In few minuts it's gone, just drops of water left on the pins of pine-trees.

Well, climbing wasn't always easy. At least for me.
Look, there's a cloud forming behind me.

a bit more up
and now a bit down

The legend says, that couple should swim in this lake together for living long happy life.
this is it!
We are between the clouds. 2092 m. Peak Cherskogo.
It was storm and terrible rain! All wet. We was drying clothes and looking to the sky, hoping it will not be raining again. It was last day on Baikal.
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